Dealing with Teenagers

Your children are influenced by the entire world around them and just like peer pressure that influence can be good or bad.

Understandably, most parents will go to any lengths to make sure that their children do not get into any trouble. They have never-ending arguments with their children about what’s right and what’s wrong; what they should do and what they shouldn’t

Knowing that they cannot follow their kids everywhere and worrying about teenager’s vulnerability to unwholesome peer pressure, parents are rightly concerned about teenagers making the right choices and selecting the ‘right people’ to imitate. This article is about teenagers that succumb to what parents might see as a negative influence and some practical tips for parents to stop the teenager coming to harm.

Dealing with Teenagers

Kids are going to be influenced by many people for many different reasons some positive and some negative. If you think your teenager is under a negative influence and you wish to get them back on track, here are a few things you can do.

Teaching your teenager about skills that will help them get out of bad situations is time well spent. Role play and acting out various options available may be useful pre-teen or early teen. But I am sure you will not get a 16 year old to role play with you!

Discuss with them that what they choose to do is entirely their responsibility. If they have chosen not to join in a particular activity they must never let themselves be swayed by the rest of the group. Teach them the well-known saying ‘Just walk away’.

An important factor about teenagers and discipline is when you have cause to berate them make sure you tell them clearly why you were upset with their behavior and what they could try to do to improve it.

Avoid personal statements such as I hate you, you look scruffy. They must know it is their behavior you dislike not them.

If they find themselves in a situation that they cannot get out of, insist that they find a way to call you so you can bail them out of a tuff tough spot. Just the thought of having a friend call a parent can cause the other person to stop right there in their tracks.

Being able to tell their peers they will get grounded, loose pocket money or allowance can give your child a credible ‘out’ to excuse themselves from something they know you would not approve of.

The Duty of a Caring Parent

Your child needs to be aware that you have no authority or control over what their friends do or don’t do, but you certainly are in charge of your child and intend exercising your authority to keep things in check. Remember you can be a friend to your teenager but your primary role is a parent, and as a patent you must guide and protect your child. They may not always like it and you will sometimes fall out but you must endeavor to do what you think is best.

Even if you have done your best, things can still go wrong. You will make mistakes but at least you tried and done the duty of a caring parent which sometimes is all you can do. Set the rules and make the effort to enforce them. To allow your teenager free range and to go unchecked is just being plain negligent.

The aim of is to provide parents with information, thoughts and ideas to ease the feeling that they are just winging it for at least some of time!