Demand for renewable wood logs rises

Many people around the UK make use of wood burning stoves and sourcing supplies for these items has never been easier. For example, consumers can head online to purchase wood burner spares. This method of sourcing stoves spare parts is convenient and it can also enable individuals to make the most of impressive deals.

Meanwhile, those who are keen to ensure they minimise their carbon footprints can now get their hands on eco-friendly wood logs. Bridgebrooke Energy produces special logs called Hotties that are intended for use in open fires, wood burning stoves and chimineas.

The items are 100 per cent recycled extruded wood logs and they are manufactured in the UK. Commenting on the production method, John Jardine, chief executive of Bridgebrooke Energy, said: “We use timber such as sawdust, wood off cuts from factories and joinery waste, dry it and then compress it into Hotties.”

As well as minimising environmental harm, these products may also have practical benefits. About this, Mr Jardine stated: “They only have four per cent moisture content so the heat value can be up to three times that of usual logs, which gives reliable burning and means they are extremely eco-friendly.”

He added that his firm’s customers include retailers, such as garden centres and petrol forecourts, and individual consumers.

Since the firm started selling the logs, demand has increased. Mr Jardine pointed out that the number of stockists is “growing weekly at present” and he added that there has been “exceptional interest” in the logs.

By being careful concerning where they get their wood burner spares and fuel from, people can ensure they get the most from the products. For example, by opting to invest in stoves spare parts in order to fix the items, rather than simply replacing them, consumers stand to save a great deal of money.

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