The Rise And Rise Of Ladies Golf – The Many Benefits Of The Game And How Getting Involved Can Offer Both Fitness And Fun

The number of lady golfers is on the rise, and the female game seems to be going from strength to strength. In the US, around a quarter of all golfers are now women, and whilst this may not seem like a huge proportion, the figure is a marked increase on previous generations and is growing all the time.

In years gone by, golf was predominantly seen as man’s game. So much so, that this fact even gave rise to a myth about the origins of the name. The apocryphal Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden is one suggestion of a possible acronym for the name, and whilst almost certainly untrue, the fact that this was believed by many to be the case goes a long way to show how male-dominated the game once was.

Whilst many clubs have lifted a ban on female members, there are still many that have specific rooms in which women are not allowed. Yet, this too is changing, and as women’s golf becomes more popular as both a game to play and as a spectator sport, the divide between males and females in the game is finally being broken, to the extent that women are even competing alongside their male counterparts in major competitions.


Getting the right ladies golf clothing and heading down to play eighteen holes, offers a great range of benefits. Once upon a time, the golf course was a place on which business could be done and men could be men, yet today, without the same cost and time constraints, women seem as happy as men to spend their time socialising on the green and getting fit in equal measures. Furthermore, it is now just as important for women to use such pastimes as a business tool as it is for men.

In some ways, the game may suit some women more than men. After all, golf clothing is as much about style as it is about functionality, and in turn the game will suit those who love looking great as much as it will those who want to get in shape.

Furthermore, the game can be relaxing and fun whilst still offering a great workout, a benefit that is universal no matter what age or sex one happens to be. It can be played for decades rather than being a young person’s sport and in turn people can keep improving rather than seeing a marked decline as they get older. Furthermore, if life does indeed get in the way, as it can for young mothers, it is easy to pick the game up again in later life.


As a form of fitness, golf may actually suit women more than men. Whilst men are often more interested in bulking up, golf is a game that will both improve aerobic potential and tone muscles. For women, this is a great way to reach one’s ideal body shape, all whilst having fun and even whilst spending time in the company of friends or business associates.

Ladies golf is more popular than ever, and the reasons are numerous. For any woman still not giving it a go, now is the perfect time to find some stylish golf clothing and hit the green to discover what you have been missing.

About the Author – Adam Howes is a freelance writer and blogger. He regularly contributes articles to sports clothing websites, visiting sites such as to stay up to date with all the latest industry news and developments.

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