The Importance Of A Good Instructor And How Making The Right Choice Can Save You Money In Numerous Ways

Choosing the right instructor is going to be hugely important for anyone learning to drive. Not only will those instructing need to be knowledgeable and extremely competent at imparting both information and skills, but they also need to make you feel at ease behind the wheel.

However, not only will their ability be important, but so will their integrity and their availability. Some will care more about making money than helping you pass, whilst others will be so booked up that they cannot fit you in regularly enough to help you see the progress you need to. As such, there is a far more to finding the right driving school and the right instructor than merely comparing prices.


Cost will always be important, but the actual price that is charged per lesson may not be as important as it seems. If the company you ultimately choose is cheap but not effective, you may spend far more in the long run taking extra lessons and numerous tests rather than being ready in just the right number of lessons and being in the best position to pass first time.

Furthermore, some driving instructors have cost their students money in other ways. A recent news story told of how one young learner driver found herself with a speeding ticket after only a few lessons. Whilst her driving school offered to pay for the resulting speed awareness course out of good will, not all will be so keen to cough up money, and some may leave individuals with fines, points on their licence before they have even taken their test, and reduced confidence all due to the instructor’s own lack of awareness.

That is not to say that cheap is necessarily bad. In fact, some companies without physical premises can reduce their overheads dramatically by running driving school online. In turn, the savings they make can be passed onto their students all without any reduction being seen in the quality of their services. Choosing to undertake an intensive course may also make sense for many, reducing the overall costs, speeding up the process and ensuring that individuals do not forget what they have been taught between lessons and in turn need far more time behind the wheel to pass.


Ultimately, price will remain a factor. If you can find a driving school offering low-cost lessons whilst still coming highly recommended, then they may well be a great option to choose. Likewise, if you need to pay a little more to find a company that can offer regular lessons with the instructor that is right for you, this could help in saving and managing money in the long run. Read online reviews, check prices and simply talk with the company. Then, try having lessons with different instructors if your mind still isn’t made up. You may be amazed at the difference there can be between one driving school and the next, and how much more comfortable you might feel behind the wheel with the right instructor.

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